Superconductor LK-99 Breakthrough Disproven? New Studies Refute Claims

Is LK-99, the new substance that has taken the scientific community by storm, the world’s first room-temperature superconductor, a regular superconductor or a non-discovery? As more time passes since the release of Sukbae Lee et al.’s original paper, more researchers are trying to synthesize their LK-99 samples and test them for diamagnetism and superconductivity. New studies from groups in Mainland China, Taiwan and India claim that there’s no breakthrough and that the material may not even be diamagnetic. 

In summarizing the findings of these three research groups, the University of Maryland’s Condensed Matter Theory Center tweeted, “With a great deal of sadness, we now believe that the game is over. LK99 is NOT a superconductor, not even at room temperatures (or at very low temperatures).”

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