Foxconn Produces Over Half of Nvidia AI Hardware: Report

Foxconn is producing over half of Nvidia-based AI hardware and is benefiting from the brand’s dominance in the artificial intelligence field, according to Economic Daily, citing sources in the supply chain (via TrendForce). Liu Yangwei, the chairman of Foxconn, recently told analysts and investors that the company produces 70% of AI servers sold globally today, reports Commercial Times.

Foxconn appears to be the exclusive maker of Nvidia’s compute GPU modules, such as the A100, A800, H100, and H800. These modules are widely used by all makers of AI GPU-based servers — including Nvidia. The latter offers its customers DGX servers based on A100 and H100 as well as HGX boards powered by the same compute GPUs. And as it turns out, over 50% of HGX boards are also produced by Foxconn. 

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