WorldCoin Attracts 2 Million Users, Hundreds Line-up To Stare at the Orb

Hundreds of people around the world are lining up around orbs to get their irises scanned for WorldCoin, Sam Altman’s world identity project. But when a Proof of Personhood can also net you a $50 return and promise you an anonymized world identity ID, there may be reasons to accept.

Hundreds of people the world over are lining up to get their irises scanned by looking into a seemingly bottomless steel orb. It’s not that they’re trying to peer into the abyss and that it stares back; rather, most are hoping to collect 25 units (~$50) worth of WorldCoin, the divisive cryptocurrency that’s the brain-child of Sam Altman and co (yes, that same Sam Altman from OpenAI and ChatGPT). 

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