Science Journal Says LK-99 Superconductor Dream is Over

A new article published in the science journal Nature aims to be the last word for theories regarding LK-99 as a superconductor. Penned by science reporter Dan Garisto, the article is a post-mortem of sorts on the scientific research surrounding LK-99 and the replication efforts that are attempting to separate hype from fact. But Science does as Science does, and different people looking at the same information routinely reach differing (but not necessarily opposite) conclusions.

The article runs through accumulated evidence presented for and against LK-99 being (or not being) the room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductor to usher humanity into an unrecognizable (and extremely energy-efficient) future.  The debate keeps circling around the same issues: the fact that condensed-matter researchers are dealing with quantum effects (of which there’s still racing research and troves of knowledge to be processed into scientific reality) only throws an additional wrench at the already tool-laden, insufficiently-clear recipe posted in the original Korean paper. 

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