Pocket-Sized Blackberry Has Raspberry Pi at its Heart

The Raspberry Pi Zero form factor has launched a plethora of handheld Linux machines. For this project, pseudonymous maker IMBalENce has created Blackberry Pi, which pairs the Zero W with RIM’s Blackberry keyboard (remember those?) for a pocketable computing experience.

The Raspberry Pi Zero W is not the most powerful Raspberry Pi, as that accolade lies with the Raspberry Pi 4. But the Zero form factor does provide us with the Zero 2 W, a machine comparable to the Raspberry Pi 3B.

Blackberry Pi Bill of Materials (BoM)

  • Raspberry Pi Zero W
  • Composite LCD (320×240) Link
  • Solderparty BBQ20KBD keypad
  • Adafruit Powerboost 1000c power supply
  • Raspberry Pi camera NoIR v2.1
  • 5V fan for cooling
  • 2500mAh LiPo battery
  • (Optional) USB hub for external usb port
  • (Optional) RTC clock
  • (Optional) ADC ADS1015 battery voltage monitor

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