High-Efficiency Superconducting Diode Could Change Chips Forever

With all the rage on superconductors zipping through the news (looking at you, LK-99), it’s sometimes easy to let other stories fly under the radar. But science happens everywhere, all the time: now, a research team with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a superconducting device that they say will bring improved energy and thermal efficiency to electronics. Their work was published in an online issue of Physical Review Letters.

Like LK-99 (which is still going through a messy replication and peer-review process), the MIT-designed diode (a kind of switching device) is still in its design infancy. Yet even so, Jagadeesh Moodera (lead author) et al. say this diode is already twice as efficient as previous diode architectures when it comes to carrying current (and preventing losses), with ample design room left to improve its characteristics.

It could even impact quantum computing. And in fact, this development came as a serendipitous discovery as the team looked into Majorana fermions, one of the building blocks of topological qubits, a yet-to-be-vindicated qubit design that’s been pursued by none other than Microsoft. The team soon realized their Majorana-inspired work on superconducting diodes could be easily transferred into the realm of classical (i.e., non-quantum) circuits.

MIT-designed diode (lateral cut)

In the above design, MIT’s diode consists of a ferromagnetic strip (pink) atop a superconducting thin film (grey). The team also identified the key factors behind the resulting current that travels in only one direction, with no resistance. (Image credit: MIT)

Diodes are a crucial part of any chip, and are an integral part of a circuit’s design. While transistors are used to amplify input signals from low resistance circuits to high resistance circuits within the chip, diodes are usually responsible for converting alternate current (AC) to direct current (DC). 

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