Google’s AI Bots Tout ‘Benefits’ of Genocide, Slavery, Fascism, Other Evils

If you asked a spokesperson from any Fortune 500 Company to list the benefits of genocide or give you the corporation’s take on whether slavery was beneficial, they would most likely either refuse to comment or say “those things are evil; there are no benefits.” However, Google has AI employees, SGE and Bard, who are more than happy to offer arguments in favor of these and other unambiguously wrong acts. If that’s not bad enough, the company’s bots are also willing to weigh in on controversial topics such as who goes to heaven and whether democracy or fascism is a better form of government.

In my tests, I got controversial answers to queries in both Google Bard and Google SGE (Search Generative Experience), though the problematic responses were much more common in SGE. Still in public beta, Google SGE (Search Generative Experience) is the company’s next iteration of web search, which appears on top of regular search results, pushing articles from human authors below the fold. Because it plagiarizes from other peoples’ content, SGE doesn’t have any sense of proprietary, morality, or even logical consistency. 

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