Beijing LK-99 Levitation Video Author Admits Fraud, Takes it Down

There’s been no slowing down in the LK-99 alleged superconductor breakthrough saga. Yet instead of it becoming clearer whether or not LK-99 is “the First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor” as claimed by the original Korean Authors, we’re left with more questions than answers. The original poster of one of the Billibilli videos circulating on the Internet and seemingly proving LK-99’s levitation ability has come forward, and admitted his clip was a hoax

The video in question is allegedly from the University of Science and Technology in Beijing and purports to show a small black substance floating in the air as it follows a magnet. According to the video’s poster, he did it for “attention grabbing purposes” – it was a way to coast the hype around LK-99. Well, he did write “LK-99” and “levitating”, which sounds about right for the purpose. You can see the original video below (if you expand the… tweet? X?).

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